7th degree black belt
32 years of experience
Teaches Kids/Adults/Group classes/Private lessons. Stretching and Strengthening, both private and group classes, Self-Defense Empowerment classes, both private and group.
Quote: “I enjoy teaching because I get to share with others, something that I truly love and value. I feel inspired when I watch students grow and develop not only self-defense skills, but life skills. Kenpo is a system that keeps on giving throughout the many seasons of life. It’s wonderful to witness someone who will not let what they “cannot do” get in the way of what they ‘can do.’”
Barbara consistently trains to improve her foundation and skill both in Kenpo and in teaching in order to provide the best service that she can. Barbara is an RN Case Manager who has worked full-time at Hoag Hospital since 1997. She loves being in service to others and uses her nursing skills to volunteer at Royal Family Kids Camp each summer. Barbara is the founder of the Kenpo Women’s Symposium, an organization for the purpose of recognizing women in the martial arts. She, along with a team of 9 women hold live and zoom symposiums for the purpose of helping women find community and grow in the martial arts. www.symposium.kenpowomen.com